A few days ago, fat loss author/expert Tom Venuto issued a bold challenge to hundreds of thousands of people...
Basically, he "called them out," (but in a motivating sort of way, that is).
Tom was making an announcement about a new type of fitness transformation challenge contest that will run - get this - through ALL the holidays:
Thankgiving (US), Christmas and New Years.
He actually suggested that now is the BEST time to transform your body and that procrastinating until New Year's is a pointless waste of time. If you wanted a better body, why wait, right?
He also said that he thinks its downright "neurotic" to believe that you can't get leaner AND enjoy holiday food at the same time.
According to Tom, that is a catastrophic form of "EITHER / OR THINKING" which leads many people to procrastination or self-sabotage.
You can read more of Tom's "call to action."
To say there was a "response" would be an understatement...
Tom's blog had something like 500 comments on it when he first issued this challenge and he hasn't even opened the contest registration yet.
He also hasn't released the prize package list yet, but rumor has it, he is sending the overall winners somewhere tropical... a warm place to show off a hot new body in the dead of winter! Nice.
But if it wasn't the prizes, what created all the buzz, then?
Well, Tom simply asked two questions in his challenge announcement:
(1) "Are you concerned about dealing with holiday food and
drink temptations that might lead you to become one of
the "holiday fat gain" statistics?"
Hundreds upon hundreds of people raised their hands and said, "YES, I accept the challenge!"
It became clear that what people need more than "another diet program" is MOTIVATION.... INSPIRATION... and a REASON WHY to get up, move, and change the things that need improving.
By providing a goal (a contest), a source of motivation (prizes and recognition), accountability (A forum with THOUSANDS of like-minded fitness enthusiasts to help
you along) and expert advice (a place with coaching and education resources), THAT combination was the trigger that had so many people say YES to this challenge.
Maybe, if you too say "YES, I accept your challenge," a fitness competition during the holidays could be an event that not only keeps you from gaining fat from the
season's indulgences, but could inspire and motivate you to achieve your best shape of the year, or even the best shape of your life.
I can tell you this: I've heard it myself from a lot of people; it's reward enough to get through the "holidaze" in better shape than you began them; winning would just
be the icing on the cake.
I agree. And I believe you CAN do it NOW - DURING the holidays - while enjoying the food and festivities (with balance and moderation), and you will NOT be
one of the procrastinators who say, "I'll start after New Year's day."
Tom's Burn The Fat Inner Circle Will be "CONTEST CENTRAL."
He just opened up a new challenge forum where ALL contestants and members will converge to post their before/after results, post their journals and all support each other towards an incredible "50-DAY-BURN!"
If you want to be a part of online fitness history and become a contestant in the first-ever 50 Day Burn The Fat Holiday Challenge, you will be instantly eligible for
the contest and get access to the challenge forum when you join the inner circle.
Another way to get started: Read (or Re-Read) Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle.
If you don't have this ebook yet, this is the classic manual that many people call the "bible of fat loss" - it's a virtual roadmap for how to eat, train and get
motivated to win a transformation contest or, simply get yourself in the best shape of your life.
Anyone who already owns Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is automatically eligible to enter the contest, with no other purchase required.
Registration for the contest will open at the Burn The Fat Inner Circle on Thursday, November 19th. There may be some restrictions and the contest is void where prohibited by state or country law.
More details are coming soon.
You can read Tom's Holiday Fitness Challenge call to arms, and get on the notification list about the contest prizes, rules and instructions here.
To your best body transformation, while enjoying the Food and festivities of the holidays at the same time!
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