Boy, where to start? Well I'm still working out, but things haven't been going so well lately. I hit my goal weight of 157lbs but my body composition is way off from what I wanted to be. That left me a bit confused and dampened my motivation. I wrap up the transformation contest on Sunday, and if I'm honest, I'm disappointed in my results. This time, though I can honestly say that it is my fault. I let off the gas when I saw the finish line in sight. But I'm not going to stay down. I'll give myself a week off to recover and then it's back to business.
Here are my last few workouts:
Thur - 11/20/2008
SWAT Fatloss DVD - 30 mins of bodyweight intervals
Wed - 11/19/2008
TT2K4 Workout B
1a) Hammer strength V-Squat 234x8, 234x8, 284x5
1b) Hammer Strength Shoulder Press 110x8, 140x8x2
2a) Smith machine Reverse lunge 95x6 / DB Reverse Lunge 35x6
2b) Bulgarian Split Squat 10x12, 10x10
3a) 1-leg Stability ball curl 8, 8
3b) Spider man Climb 12, 12
Review: This workout was terrible. I wasn't feeling well at all but I tried to push though it. In hindsight this was probably a total waste of a workout.
Sat - 11/15/2008
TT2K4 Workout A
Bench Press Test 45x12, 95x10, 135x8, 185x5, 205x3, 225x3
1A) DB Incline Press 70x6x2
1B) DB Rear-Delt Raise 15x10, 17.5x8
2) Cable Row 160x6, 160x5
3A) DB Triceps Extension 25x8x2
3B) DB Seated Curls 25x8x2
Fri - 11/14/2008
TT2K4 Workout B
1A) BB Squat 245x8, 265x6 (Personal Record)
1B) DB Shoulder-Press 50x8, 55x8
2A) DB Reverse Lunge 40x6x2
2B) Bulgarian Split Squat BWTx8, BWTx10
3A) 1-Leg Stability Ball Curl BWTx8x2
3B) Spiderman Climb BWTx12x2
Why Type A Guys Can’t Gain Muscle
4 days ago
"I hit my goal weight of 157lbs but my body composition is way off from what I wanted to be. That left me a bit confused and dampened my motivation. I wrap up the transformation contest on Sunday, and if I'm honest, I'm disappointed in my results."
ReplyDeleteSince I'm coming in late on your goals (don't know what they are), I have a few questions. But I'll get to those after I look over your posts from the past 3 months (slow work day).
By the way, your Wed. workout wasn't bad at all. There are some days when you need to back off and it will happen again. During the 12 week period, it's nearly impossible to maintain the Mojo every single day. You just gotta push string together as many good ones as possible.
I do have one question for right doing any HIIT's?
I mix up my cardio quite a bit b/c I really hate doing cardio unless we're out on the football field. I did some traditional stuff on Tue, but I forgot to log it. And last night I did body weight cardio for 30 mins.
ReplyDeleteMy original goals were to get down to 150-155lbs and 9% BF. But I quickly realized that I wouldn't be happy w/ that body frame (too thin). So now I want to muscle up, but to remain lean.
Translation: I want big arms, ripped chest and flat abs! Total vanity alert...
If you want to bulk up, then you're going to have to up the calories a bit, increase the weights, drop some reps, and forget the cardio. The Meathead is definitely calling your name.
ReplyDeleteI guess you have to make a decision...
Do you want to drop the bodyfat first, then bulk up
Bulk up, then drop the bodyfat
Since you still have some bodyfat weight to play with, why not use it to your advantage...move the chains (keep the weight, but lose the fat)? Maintain your current weight (you'll have to really keep an eye on your calorie deficit allowed) and kick this SOB up a few notches!
There is a ton of stuff out there that you can use during your off days to light a match to the fat. You mentioned in one of your September posts, "I'm thinking about switching all interval days to off days". Nothing wrong with that. On your resistance training days, you could easily throw in a few hundred DB/KB swings (huge fat burner), 6 Minute Abs, or the Tar Heel Medicine Ball Workout. The off days could be used for a fat-burning Nutbag BW Workout + HIIT's.
Any reason you're not using the Treadmill for the Intervals?
I really think I'd be happier bulking up and then stripping off any gained fat afterwords so the muscle can really be defined. The way I see it, there will be no shortage of food around the holidays!
ReplyDeleteSo my plan is Meatheads part 1 during December. TT for Mass for Jan-Feb. And then a good fat burner for March to wrap up TC4. I really enjoy the contest aspect of TT.
Your idea of adding stuff to the end of resistance days sounds really good. I did that in the beginning but for some reason I got away from it. I know I didn't like doing intervals after lifting. I don't leave a lot of gas in the tank doing my resistance training!
You gotta have a plan and yours makes a lot of sense (use the holidays to your advantage). For myself, I have to maintain the abstinance and patience of a Buddhist monk. I love pie!
ReplyDeleteI always give myself 1 full hour to work out. The resistance portion (including warmup) takes roughly 25 minutes. I give myself 15-20 minutes for HIIT's (recently worked up to 10 intervals on the treadmill). That usually leaves me with 15 minutes to do a number of things...6 Minute Abs, 3 Minute Arms, 200 DB Swings, or 200 Medicine Ball reps. Which ever I don't do on one day, I'll do on the next.
Recently I've been running on the off days (20-30 minutes). That is something you shouldn't do with the Meathead or TT for Mass. Keep an eye on your weight at the 6 week point, cause you may want to hit a fat burning TT session during your final 42 days. Just a few thoughts.
Just realized I forgot to answer your question about treadmills. My left ankle/foot gives me grief if I do too much regular running. I can't run for more than a few mins without it flaring up on me. Oddly enough it doesn't bother me when I go out w/ my friends to do plyometrics and play football.
ReplyDeleteHey M2P, I've just given you the Superior Scribbler award on my site - check it out!