Are you sick of how busy the gym is at this time of year?
Do you want to use bodyweight exercises to burn fat and workout in
the comfort of your own home?
If so, then Craig Ballantyne, creator of the Turbulence Training
Fat Loss System, has some powerful bodyweight secrets for you.
On Saturday, Craig Ballantyne held the 1st-Ever Turbulence Training
Seminar for an exclusive audience in a secret location in Toronto,
where he showed TT users - from as far away as California - his new
bodyweight interval training methods.
First, he shared his "patented" fat burning bodyweight circuit
formula. By combining 8 exercises in a very specific manner, the TT
Bodyweight Circuits give you...
- the same fat burning boost as interval training
- the same cardiovascular benefits of long, slow cardio
- improvements in your "core" strength
Craig even has some sample bodyweight workout videos up on his site.
(In fact, one of the men at the seminar was a firefighter, and he
was raving to Craig about how the bodyweight exercises improved his
core strength so that he was able to wear his firefighter gear
without getting a sore back. He was thrilled and amazed by the power
of bodyweight exercises - and he was a former bodybuilder, too!)
But the big TT secret Craig Ballantyne let out of the bag was his
new focus on "Timed Bodyweight Intervals".
The seminar attendees discovered all of Craig's unique "timed" fat
burning bodyweight circuits and supersets that could be done in
short bursts, often paired with another non-competing bodyweight
exercise to make things even more intense.
You'll find out more about Timed Bodyweight Intervals in the TT
February Workout of the Month. I can't wait for you to give those
a try!
After his presentation, he was overwhelmed by requests for the
Turbulence Training Bodyweight DVD's, and he made a special offer
to those folks in attendance. But he also wants to extend this
special offer to you.
Buy today to save $100 on the Ultimate Bodyweight Fat Burning DVD Solution.
Why Type A Guys Can’t Gain Muscle
4 days ago
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