Monday, October 27, 2008

Home Stretch

I have four weeks left in Turbulence Training Transformation Contest #3. I think that I have done well overall. I'm down 6lbs, but I haven't seen much scale movement in the past 3-4 weeks. That has been frustrating, but I've decided to get over it. I'm dedicated to burning as much fat as possible these next 4 weeks.

I'm tired of letting it get to me, so I've put together a plan of attack. From a nutrition standpoint, I'm going to just stick w/ whole foods and eliminate cheats. I'll probably make the switch to Ezekiel bread to see how my body responds. From a training aspect, I am going to do TT2K4, but modifying it a bit to match the structure of some of the other more advanced programs.

TT2K4 Schedule: Oct 26 - Nov 22 (Weeks 1 & 3)
Mon: 2K4 Workout A & Advanced Interval A
Tue: Bodyweight Circuits
Wed: 2K4 Workout B & 6 Minute Abs #1
Thur: Interval Workout B
Fri: 2K4 Workout A & 6 Minute Abs #2
Sat: Interval Workout A and Weekly challenge
Sun: Rest

Weeks (2 & 4)
Mon: 2K4 Workout B & Advanced Interval B
Tue: Bodyweight Circuits
Wed: 2K4 Workout A & 6 Minute Abs #3
Thur: Interval Workout A
Fri: 2K4 Workout B & 6 Minute Abs #4
Sat: Interval Workout B and Weekly challenge
Sun: Rest

Today's Workout
Dynamic Warmup x 2
Specific Warmup
DB Incline press 45x8
DB Real-Delt Raise 10x8

1A) DB Incline Press 70x8, 70x7, 70x6
1B) DB Rear-delt Raise 15x10, 15x10, 12.5x7
2A) DB Row 60x8, 70x6, 70x6
2B) DB Floor Press 50x8x3
3A) DB Triceps Ext 25x8x3
3B) DB Incline Curls 30x7, 30x7, 30x4, 25x4

Advanced Interval Workout A
Upright Bike 30/90sec intervals. Level 16 work - Level 5 rest. Completed 4 rounds due to lack of time.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Final 2K3 - A

Dynamic Warm up x2

Specific Warm Up
Chin-ups x 5
DB Bench press 45 x 8

1A) Chin-ups 7, 7, 7
1B) DB Bench Press 70x8x3

2A) Hammer Strength Elbow-out row 148x8x3
2B) DB Low Incline Press 55x8x3

3A) Decline Push-ups 16, 15, 15
3B) DB Incline Curl 25x8, 30x8x2

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday's Log

Turbulence Training 2k3 - Workout B

Dynamic Warm-up x 2

Specific Warm-up
BB Forward Lunge Barbell x 8
Side Plank 15secs per side

1A) DB forward Lunge 40x8x3
1B) Side Plank 30secs/side x 3
2A) DB RDL 70x8x3
2B) Stability Ball Jackknife BWx15x3
3A) BB Step-up 80x8x3 (Fixed Barbell)
3B) Stability Ball Leg Curl BWx15x3

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday's Log

Just realized that I didn't post my log on Friday.

Warm Up
Reverse Lunge - 8x2
Close-grip Push Up - 12x2
Stick Ups - 10x2

Specific Warm Up
Chin Ups - 5
BB Bench Press - 135x5

1A) Chin Ups - 6,6,6
1B) BB Bench Press 165x8, 165x7, 165x7
2A) Hammer Strength Elbow-out Row 118x8x3
2B) Hammer Strength Incline Press 143x8x3
3A) Decline Push Ups 15,15, 15
3B) DB Incline Curl 25x8x3

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The day it all clicked

Turbulence Training 2k3 - Workout B

Dynamic Warm-up x 2

Specific Warm-up
BB Forward Lunge Barbell x 8
Side Plank 15secs per side

1A) BB forward Lunge 95x8x3
1B) Side Plank 30secs/side x 3
2A) BB RDL 185x8x3
2B) Stability Ball Jackknife BWx15x3
3A) BB Step-up 70x8x3 (Fixed Barbell)
3B) Stability Ball Leg Curl BWx15x3

Today was a really good workout. I think that I've finally Un-confused myself enough to really understand this program and do it properly. I've been doing my TT workouts and trying to use really heavy weights, but this leads to me needing longer recovery periods. Today I kept things down around my 10-12 RM. I was finally able to stay true to the programs design.

It all boils down to re-evaluating my goals and why I am doing this particular program. My primary goal right now is to burn fat. It is not to increase strength or add loads of muscle. But those last two have been stuck in my mind for a while now. Well for the next 5 weeks, they are gone. THE GOAL IS TO BURN FAT.

Yes, ultimately I want to get much stronger and put on some muscle, but that's not what I am working on right now. I finally get it...

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Fireman

I think I actually earned my new name today. Holy smokes... I don't know if it is leftover from BW500 or what, but the lactic acid today is CRAZY. My shoulders and arms are still burning.

Bodyweight Warm-up
Reverse lunge 8x2
Close Grip Push Ups 8x2
Stick Ups 10x2

Specific Warm Up
Chin Ups 5
BB Bench Press 135x5

1A) Chin-ups 9, 8, 6
1B) BB Bench Press 185x8, 175x6, 175x5
2A) DB Elbow-out row 50x8x3
2B) BB Incline Press 135x8, 135x8, 135x5
3A) Decline Push ups 10, 15, 15
3B) DB Incline Curl 25x8x3

Strength was weird today. Reminded me of a bell curve. I seemed to peak on the second set of most exercises. I would feel great during the time but the next set I was toast. I did more barbell work today instead of dumbbells. Don't know if that made a big difference or not. It is now 4 hours after the workout and I'm hurting...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Get in, get out, get fit!

Geez, had a rough night with the kids. My daughter (1yo) has a cold and she was up quite a bit though the night. My son (4yo) some how wets the bed, something he hasn't done in over a year. Needless to say, I didn't get much quality sleep. But I really wanted to work out, so I slept pass my normal workout time and stopped by the gym on the way to work. Not much time available, but I still managed to get my resistance training done for the day.

Turbulence Training 2K3 Workout B

Dynamic Warm Up
Prisoner Squats 12x2
Close-grip push ups 8x2
Arm rotations 10x2 forwards and backwards

Specific warmup
Forward lunge 30x5
Plank 20 seconds

1A) DB Forward Lunge 45x8x2, 45x6
1B) Plank 35secs x 3
2A) BB RDL 165x8, 175x8x2
2B) Stability Ball Jackknife BWx15x3
3A) DB Step ups 35x8x2
3B) Stability Ball Leg Curl BWx15

Cable curl 21s @ 55lbs
EZ Bar Curls 55 x 5

- Lunges felt much better today.
- Did regular planks to save time.
- BB RDLs felt incredible at the lower weights. Form was perfect.
- Legs are just wiped out by the time I get to step ups. Decided to use one of those rebook steppers instead of a bench today.
- Finisher is kinda lame, but the arms were looking flat today. :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No Frills

I stayed up late watching the debates last night, so I decided to stop by the gym on the way to work. I think this time might work well if I can pack up properly the night before. I was definitely running late this morning but I wanted to get a full workout in. My work time is very flexible, so as long as I put my hours in, I can shift my time around as needed.

To speed things up, I went no frills this morning. No iPod, no grips, nothing fancy. Just one fast, intense, butt kicking workout.

TT 2K3 Workout A
Location: Fitness 19
Time: 7:10am

Dynamic Warm-up
Reverse Lunges 10x2
Close-grip Push-ups 10x2
Stickups 10x2

Specific Warm Up
Chin-ups 5
DB Bench Press 55x5

1A) Chin-ups 8, 7, 6
1B) DB Chest Press 70x8, 70x8, 70x6
2A) Cable Row (Straight bar) 100x8x3
2B) DB Low-Incline Chest Press 55x8, 55x8, 55x7
3A) Decline Push-Ups 12, 10, 10 (These were BRUTAL today)
3B) DB Incline Curl 20x8, 20x8, 20x6

I was really trying to work fast this morning. Kept rest periods short. That really intensifies the workout.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday 10/06 & Tuesday 10/07

Ahh yes, another episode of TT 2K3 Workout B. As much as Workout A is my favorite workout thus far, B is with out a doubt my least favorite. And that means I am going to have good results doing it.

Dynamic Warmup x 2

Specific Warm up
DB Lunge 20x5x2
Side Plank 15sec/side x 2

Superset 1
1A) DB Forward Lunge 45x6, 35x8, 35x6 Once again, balance was shot at the end. I should probably go back down to 30s to build up endurance.
1B) Side Plank 30sec/side x 3

Superset 2
2A) BB RDL 185x8x3 Felt pretty good here. Still need to work on softening the knees.
2B) Stability ball Jackknife BWx15x3. Didn't use a bench this time. Seemed to make it more intense.

Superset 3
3A) DB Step-ups 30x8x2. No way around it... I hate doing these.
3B) Stability Ball Leg Curl BWx15x2

I woke up Tuesday morning and did 4 sets of bodyweight circuits. It feels really good to get those out of the way!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Night Fresh Party

After dealing with today's cravings for fried chicken and Chinese food, I was feeling pretty good getting into the gym.

Turbulence Training 2K3 - Workout A

Dynamic Warm up
Reverse lunges 8reps x 2 sets
Close Grip Pushups 8reps x 2 sets
Stickups 10reps x 2 sets

Specific Warm Up
Chinups BW x 5
DB Bench Press 50 x 5

1A)Chin-Ups 8, 6, 5
1B)DB Chest Press 70x8, 70x8, 70x6
2A)DB Elbow-out Row 50x8x3
2B)DB Low-Incline Press 50x8x3
3A)Decline Push-ups 15, 12, 11
3B) DB Incline Curl 22.5x8, 22.5x7, 22.5x7

Great workout if I must say!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Beautifully Brutal

I'm just getting around to posting details from last night's workout. It was Turbulence Training 2K3 Workout B.

I got a little advice from the forum to up my weights on the first set and to try to complete all three sets at that weight. If done correctly you should be doing maybe 6 reps on the last set. I don't think I can put into words how much harder that makes these workouts.

Warm Up
Reverse Lunge 8 reps x 2
Close grip pushups 12 reps x 2
Stick Ups 12 reps x 2

Forgot to do specific warm up. :(

1A) DB Forward Lunge 45x8, 50x6, 45x7 (Will stick with 45 for now)
1B) Side Plank 30secs x 3
2A)DB RDL 70x8x3 (Would like to switch to BB here but the rack was being used)
2B) Stability Ball Jackknife 15x3
3A) DB Setp-Ups 45x6, 35x6, 25x8 (I was flat out struggling by this superset. Grip was gone. Legs were trembling)
3B) Stability ball Leg curl 15x3.

I tried to do intervals on the bike but I didn't have it in me. I did one round after the warm up and my legs were mush. I'll do body weight intervals tonight. Or maybe some kickboxing for a change of pace.